Overcoming barriers in asset management

L1 Change+ Analyst, Yash Kapur shares his experience working as a PMO Analyst in asset management.

I began my journey at Grayce in October 2022 as an Analyst on the Change+ Development Programme. Following my onboarding training, I joined the client services team within an asset management organisation as a PMO Analyst. 

Identifying client challenges 

A key challenge my client has was speeding up the implementation of a new division that was the result of a merger. Alongside this, we also had to manage the organisation of requisite files and legal documents to ensure that they were stored correctly and allowed the merger to be tracked correctly. Within my role, I also worked to service queries as they came through to the client services department. 

Embracing continuous development 

Despite having a BSc in Economics, I wasn’t overly familiar with Financial Services or the field in which I work. However, this role required me to learn more about investments, asset classes, derivatives, and the financial market, so I conducted a lot of research and self-learning, along with asking many questions. As a result, I got to grips with a new sector and have gained a high-level of confidence explaining financial mechanisms and applying my knowledge to the work I do.  

Why Grayce? 

Working on client site has allowed me to see the real value we offer as Analysts. Searching for new talent with strong knowledge and potential is costly and can often be a long process.   

About Grayce 

Grayce are developing future change leaders through an immersive learning experience and inclusive community. We develop our people through a 70:20:10 model, providing micro learning opportunities for Analysts alongside their full-time client commitments. With a blend of formal learning, peer to peer learning, mentoring & coaching, knowledge exchanges and client delivery, our Analysts are equipped to deliver excellence for our clients today and become the industry leaders of tomorrow. 

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