Supporting resourcing at a FTSE100 energy and tech company

Grayce Analyst, Suzie Threlfall shares her experience supporting resourcing as a Chief of Staff at a multinational FTSE100 energy and technology company.

The role

I joined my client at the start of the year when the team were experiencing a huge resourcing demand due to pressure from projects for specialist skills. In my role as Chief of Staff for the Data Architecture Team, I am responsible for streamlining and leading an adapted resourcing process to overcome these barriers that my client faced towards the end of 2020. Through implementing a new process and managing supplier relationships with effective communication, the demand has since reduced and suitable candidates have been selected, relieving the pressure from the hiring managers in the space. The role requires me to meticulously track candidates' progress and produce reports for senior stakeholders. Since starting in my role, it has evolved from producing reports on Excel to now using Power BI – a platform I had not used before, but quickly picked up following LinkedIn learning videos.

Another aspect of my role which links nicely with my resourcing responsibilities is improving the onboarding experience of new starters. Through speaking with new starters, I’ve adapted the material and processes accordingly and effectively improved their experience. The material continues to evolve in line with organisational changes and is now being utilised across the wider team. I have also created a usable Microsoft Teams site for the team which has improved engagement and knowledge sharing.

Continuous development

I’m continuously gaining additional responsibilities in my role, from facilitating team meetings to providing project management capabilities and producing newsletters, often no day is the same for me!

Some of my feedback has mentioned my ability to pick up my deliverables at a very fast pace and quickly understand my client’s ways of working. This has been instrumental in helping the hiring managers speed up recruitment activities through the new process.

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