How hands-on learning can kickstart your career



We sat down with, Digital Marketing Officer, Jack Blow to explore his apprenticeship journey at Grayce.

Why an apprenticeship? 

For me, an apprenticeship offered a unique opportunity to gain practical, on-the-job experience whilst also obtaining qualifications. I found whilst studying for my A-Levels that I preferred a practical learning style, and struggled to apply myself through traditional methods of learning. An apprenticeship enticed me as it provided a balance of both theory and practical experience.

Why should organisations take on apprentices? 

Apprentices are a cost-effective way to develop a workforce. By investing in apprentices, organisations can develop employees to meet their specific needs and help bridge skills gaps. With an eager to learn attitude, apprentices also bring fresh perspectives and new ideas to the workplace, which can drive innovation and diversity of thought.

How have you developed? 

Throughout the past 12-months I’ve been extremely fortunate to have been offered a wide range of opportunities that have led to me broadening my knowledge in the world of Digital Marketing. Working closely with Grayce’s Learning & Development team and my external training provider, Ginger Nut Training, I’ve gained multiple qualifications including BCS certificates in Marketing and Coding Principles and accreditations from Google and LinkedIn.  

Upon completion of my end point assessment, I also obtained my Level 3 Digital Marketing Diploma, achieving a distinction mark. Working so closely with my colleagues in the Brand, Marketing, and Communications team allowed me to learn a considerable amount through hands-on learning, so when it did come to sitting exams and completing portfolio work, I always felt well-prepared and ahead of the game.

What advice would you give for future apprentices? 

If you’re considering an apprenticeship, I have four points of advice to share:

  1. Approach with an open mind and a willingness to learn. 
  2. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. 
  3. Don’t steer away from tasks that may seem menial, they can build a valuable foundation for your knowledge and development. 
  4. Persistency is key, at times it can be challenging, but by sticking with it you can reap the rewards in the long run.

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